*** The Absolutes, going back to the absolutes is Freedom's only Hope James Robison |
*** Slouching Towards Gomorrah, Modern Liberalism and the American Decline Robert Bork |
*** A Nation of Sheep, about a nation's lack of reaction to a government that is trashing their freedoms and the constitution itself. Judge Andrew Napolitano |
*** The Politics of Disaster, Katrina, Big Government, and a New Strategy Marvin Olasky |
*** The Culture of Disbelief, How American law and politics trivialize religious devotion. Stephen Carter |
*** The 5000 Year Leap, a miracle that changed the world. The 28 principles of Freedom our Founding Fathers said must be understood and perpetuated byt all people who desire peace, prosperity and freedom. W. Cleon Skousen |
*** Muzzled, from T-Ball to Terrorism, true stories that should be fiction. How the liberal media control the flow of news that we get and therefore how they control what we think is truth. Michael Smerconish |
*** Science Sold Out, Does HIV Really Cause AIDS?? This lady would say, unequivocally, NO! So who's right? Read the book, and make up your own mind. Rebecca Culshaw
*** The Marketing of Evil, How radicals, elitists and pseudo-experts sell us corruption disguised as freedom. David Kupelian dares to tell the truth about the overwhelming forces in our society which take us away from our original American concept of freedom. David Kupelian |
*** America's Real War, an orthodox rabbi insistes that Judeo-Christian values are vital for our nation's surviva. Rabbi Daniel Lapin |
*** Saviors of the Earth? The politics and religion of the environmental movement. The incredible deception and long-planned goals of this movement. |
*** Call it Conspiracy, the decline of government, the rise of ecumenicalism, and the destruction of our way of life. Just happenstance? Hardly. A hard-hitting expose of what has happened to the American way of life. |
*** Death to the Dictator. A young man speaks out regarding the bogus nature of the recent election in Iran, and pays a horrible price. A very good insight into Iranian so-called politics. |
*** Longitudes & Latitudes, an exploration of the world and its attitudes after September 11. |
***** Then They Came for Me, an incredible insight into the evil that is Iran. A book of families affected by this brutal regime, and the torture that is yours for simply speaking out. Reads pretty much like all the other books I have read about this gruesome country. |
** Good Muslim, Bad Muslim. An attempt to white-wash militant muslims and their destructive antics, by laying out a pseudo-historical foundation. Destruction is still destruction, killing is still simply killing, and I for one DID NOT BUY IT!!! Don't waste your time with this one. Mahmood Mamdani. |
**** The Obama Confession. Dr. Hodges unpackes AKA's psyche and examines what he is saying, and what he really means. An interesting approach to understanding an individual that seems beyond understanding. |
**** Petrus Romanus. Hard to describe this one other than it is a must read for anyone living today. Thomas Horn is a prolific writer of books that tie life today, with the prophecies of old, and history with the events of today. Great book. Long read... do it! Thomas Horn & Cris Putnam. |
**** Power Elite. Wow. Dare I say it again? WOW! This is another MUST READ if you really want to understand the events of today. Dennis Cuddy is well beyond the intelligence of the modern historian, and this is a book you need to buy, read, then read again! Dr. Dennis Cuddy |
* The Silenced Majority, a classic liberal treatise, that even the title of is pure bullsh-- claptrap. One of a very few books that I couldn't make it to the end of. When this stupid woman began to wax poetic about the so-called 'pro-choice' movement, it was either quit reading, or puke in the book. I chose the former. |
*** It is Dangerous to Be Right When the Government is Wrong. Just one more in a series of books cataloging the corruption, evil, and overreach that is this government. A worthwhile read. |
*** See No Evil. True story of a ground soldier in the CIA's war on terrorism. Robert Baer. |
*** Hope of the Wicked. The master plan to rule the world, formulated by those that have always had this agenda, and motivted in the background by satan himself. Ted Flynn. |
*** Messiah, War in the Middle East. An exhaustive search of the scriptures, regarding the end times, and Jesus' place in it. Grant Jeffrey. |
**** From Time Immemorial. An examination of the source and the 'whys' of the Arab-Jewish conflict over Palestine. Joan Peters. |
*** The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan. The part that the power elite played in the Nazi uprising, and the postulation that the Nazi's and Nazism are not dead, but merely biding their time until they can make their presence known again. Dennis Cuddy. |
** In the Name of Sorrow and Hope. Yitzhak Rabin's grandaughter writes her admittedly biased treatise concerning her grandfather, her country and the, so far futile, quest for peace. Noa Ben Artzi-Pelossof. |
** The Manchurian President. Barack Obama's ties to communists, socialists and other anti-american extremists. Aaron Klein. |
*** Godless. The church & religion, and yes it is unquestionably a religion, of modern liberism. Ann Coulter. |
**** Ronald Reagan. A great biography by Dinesh D'Souza, of a great man. The last of the presidents that really loved this country. |
*** Going Rogue. The biography of Sarah Palin, and her journey through the political jungle. A good and interesting read. |
*** Slander. Even if you already believe that the MSM (Mainstream Media) are spinning the news like mad, you have no idea. Read this book to be illuminated. |
**** Act of Treason. The complete compendium of facts that put the lie to the "Lee Harvey Oswald was the Lone Nut Killer of President Kennedy" theory put forth by a corrupt and evil government. The killing of Kennedy was a mafia hit, pure and simple. And J. Edgar Hoover was absolutely complicit as he withheld evidence that the hit was coming, and that could have saved Kennedy. Face it folks, our government is beyond saving. Corrupt to the core. |
**** Never Again. An excellent book by John that covers his time as Attorney General under G. Bush. A fascinating insight to the machinations of politics in general. |
*** Culture of Corruption. Obama and his teram of tax cheats, crooks and cronies. A depressing look into politics as it exists today. Wondering if this country can survive as it is. |
**** The Party of Death. A thorough examination of the Democrats, the Media, the Courts and the almost complete disregard for human life that has taken over this country. It began with Roe v. Wade and has accellerated down into the pit since then. A country in rebellion against the God that blessed them so mightily in its formation. Our time will come. Sodom and Gomorrah come to mind. Ramesh Ponnuru |
*** American Jubilee. An examination of the coming financial meltdown and what it will mean to all of us. |
*** The Terror Network. A lengthy examination of the origins of terrorism, its evolution, and the decade of fright when terror was the most active. What it does show clearly is the inherent depravity of man, and how no matter how exalted the goals are in the beginning, it always just degrades into the exercise of power, and killing. Ugly to its core. |
**** Liars, Leakerss & Liberals. A delightful and |