*** Inside the Criminal Mind, an examination of the basic thinking errors of the criminal mind.

Stanton Samenow

*** Shedding Life, Disease, politics and other human conditions, examined from a somewhat oblique direction in terms of normal mainstream thought.

Miroslav Holub

**** Games People Play, one of my favorites, an examination of the pre-programmed 'games' we all play as a part of the human condition. The psychology of human relationships.

Eric Berne

*** Beating Back the Devil, on the front lines with the disease detectives of the epidemic intelligence service. You think you know all about the CDC? Think again.

Maryn McKenna

*** Furnace of Creation, Cradle of Destruction, a journey to the birthplace of earthquakes volcanoes and tsunamis.The various forces that are still shaping the earth we live on.

Roy Chester, Ph.D.

* A Short History of Nearly Everything, a pseudo-scientist expects to put us at ease with the cosmos with his explanations of 'nearly everything'. Sadly he leaves out GOD, and therefore leaves me back in the last row of the audience somewhere. A good book? Only if you are an atheist or agnostic. Me? I'm still a believer in the God of creation!!!!!!!

Bill Bryson

*** Pole Shift. The examination of the possibility of the north pole to the south and the south to the north. Theoretically possible, and historically recorded, but this book is a bit on the edge regarding this phenomena. Will it happen? Only God knows. Will it be a disaster? Undoubtedly.
John White.


*** Dirty Electricity. Thisis one of those 'who knows' books. The claim is that the high frequency voltage transients that come along with our house power, is the root cause of much of the so-called 'normal' diseases of modern civilization. True? Who knows? Samuel Milham, MD, MPH


*** Mists of Dawn. This is one that I read waaaaay back when I was in school. I am NOT normally interested in Sci-Fi, but I loved this one. Not even sure if it is still available. Chad Oliver.


**** Volcano Cowboys. The gripping science behind the only two explosive volcanoes to erupt and be extensively studied in modern times, Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines.
Dick Thompson.

*** Krakatoa, the explosion of the island of Krakatoa in 1883. However, this book went back seemingly to the beginning of time in its history. An awful lot of stuff here of limited interest, at least to me. But the parts that related to the volcano and its explosion was definitely interesting.
Simon Winchester

**** Full Body Burden, an incredible tale of one person's life in the shadow of Rocky Flats nuclear facility near Denver, CO. The incredible incompetence, malfeasance and cavalier disregard for the environment and the health of those around this facility. A great read.
Kristen Iversen

**** The Hoopa Project, a fascinating book, about a fascinating subject, 'Bigfoot', that is certainly controversial in this society, at this time. What is interesting, is that all the folks that have seen this creature, tell exactly the same story, and describe exactly the same creature. Food for thought.
David Paulides

*** Visible Bones. A historical journey in the Columbia River country of Washington & Oregon. Interesting read.
Jack Nisbet.

*** Chemtrails, HAARP, & the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth. A discussion of a number of factors, most of which deal with modification of our natural environment. Much of this is still quite controversial, but if even 1/4 of this book is accurate, we are in deep doo-doo.
Elana Freeland.

**** The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog. A collection of stories from a child Psychiatrist's notebook, and the degree that neglect and abuse affects the brain and future development of a young individual. The subtitle says, "What traumatized children can teach us about loss, love and healing.
Bruce Perry & Maia Szalavitz