Due to an unusual set of circumstances during the winter of 2003/2004, the ice in the Mores Creek Arm of Lucky Peak Reservior became thick enough to hold up the elk as long as they didn't bunch up, which they invariably did once they got out onto the ice. When they grouped together, their combined weitht would cause them to break through the ice. However, because of its particular thickness this winter, they were unable to beat their way to shore as they would normally do. Hypothermia quickly set in and they subsequently drowned. We lost around 100 elk that winter as well as a large number of deer. Sad, but nature is a cruel master.

There developed quite a volunteer effort to keep them from venturing out onto the ice, but it was an all night vigil, and as the longer time went on, the more elk and deer there were trying to get past the volunteers and onto the ice. This probably went on a month until the conditions changed so it was no longer dangerous for them to go out onto the ice. Since then, each winter they have completely drained the Mores Creek arm in order to prevent a future occurance of this kind of problem.