Baron Lakes Drainage
August 23-26, 2007

An incredible time hiking 28 miles in the Baron Creek drainage and visiting all the Baron Lakes, Braxon, two of the Stephens lakes and Lake 9020 above Big Baron Lake.

Interestingly, the camera memory glitched, and it took the efforts of CompUSA and John-Erik Jahnsen to sort it all out. I did lose a few pictures, however they were able to recover the bulk of them. A great sigh of relief was heard to escape my lips as the prospect of losing a week's worth of my photo memories was going to be a major disappointment!

I decided to again separate the different pictures into sections. It seems a little clearer that way.

Baron Falls -Due to low stream flows, a shadow of its normal self

Braxon Lake -- Off trail, the first lake we visited, and the hiking point for the Stephens lakes.

Little Baron Lake -- the hiking point for the other Baron Lakes