On the Way to Walker Lake -- August 9-19, 2008
This turned out to be a bit of a bust. We tried to go cross country to a lake above Walker but bombed out when we couldn't find
a way past one of the ridges. Ended up going around and then down the ridge and coming out at the bottom of Island Lake, joining
the trail and going on to Walker. This was an off and on cloudy day so the pictures lack the brilliance that they would have had with sun.

Lots of water in this drainage. There was a strong stream and lakes all the way up.

This was a heavy mineralized small lake in a beautiful green meadow.

It is not readily obvioius from this picture, but we are standing on the top of a ridge, visible in the lower left of this photo, and between that and the rest of the picture is an abyss. There was no reasonable way down that we could see.

Island Lake as seen from 'on high'.