2009-2010's Last, Last, Last Hurrah
We ('re losing) hope!!!! It's the 22-23 of May, folks. Where's SPRING!
Are we going to have a nuclear winter? Without the nuclear??

The flowers are wheezing...

No sane individual would be out in this... except... the hummingbird right below the feeder. He's not going to be put off by a little snow. Mouths to feed at home!

And here he is, drinking deep!

And the tomatoes that almost got planted.

And the goats are nowhere to be seen! Maybe they're smarter than I thought?

And 'Big Bird' has found a chink in the hummingbird feeder's armor. Seems that one of the little screens that keeps crooks like this out of the feeder has come off, and he is taking full advantage!

Mary's in Tennessee. She's NOT going to be happy about what's happening to her flowers!

Won't be hanging out any clothes today!

And Smoky says, "I'M SICK OF THIS!!"

The birds aren't slowed down much by the snow either!

A dreary scene, eh?

Everything is trying to be Spring... except the weather. I suggest some new weathermen.

Morning of May 23. Time to go Skiing!!! In May?

Haven't seen snow sliding off the goatshed in some time...