Seven Devils, Day 6
From Dog Creek CG, climb up the Dog Creek drainage, over, under and around all the detritus left from past fires, up and into the wrong cirque, saw some beautiful Mountain
Goats, a mid-course correction, and back over to the Dog Creek drainage, then Dog Lake. After lunch, Larry continues alone on walkabout over the ridge to the
the next drainage to the south, and Horse Heaven, Upper Horse Heaven & Slide Rock Lakes. From there back over the ridge, and down about 500 feet to Dog Lake.
I was TOAST!

The endurance test to get up to Dog Lake. And this is NOT the worst part!

Some locals... high on the ridge.

I eventually got the idea that there would NOT be a 'welcome wagon'.
Another 'rockus gigantus'.

Dog Lake

Horse Heaven Lake

Rockslide Lake. This was another above average pretty lake.

Looking down on Horse Heaven Lake as I was climbing back up the ridge.
And the end of another wonderful day!