Hiking Picture Template!
Another grand hike in Idaho!

The lake looks as good this morning as it did last night!

Note the clarity of the little bit of water that is in the sun. Note as well that the ice, besides melting, is moving around the lake under its own power. I'll let you figure that one out.

Wait a minute! He can't be 'tuckered out' this morning. He's had all night to recuperate. Oh, wait a minute, see that black line to his collar? He's still 'under arrest' on the highline!

Awaiting freedom as well.

So where did you put the tents?

Over the output stream after looking over the other CG and 'preping' to depart.

The output stream still has to go under tons of snow to depart.

Oh, HEY! Wait a minute! You don't think we are going to slog through all of that just so's you can fulfill you petty dreams of hiker manhood, do you??

Despite the protestations of mutiny, here we are, and they are slogging through this stuff despite.

These hills, and tons of snow, are a real test of 'treehood' for those hardy enough to attempt to eke out a living on the side of a talus slope at 7200'.

I know it is hard to see, but there are 4 white flowers growing in a straight line in the very center of this picture. I LOVE flowers.

Crane Meadow... it looks so... well, inviting... like you could just lay down, snuggle in, and contemplate the universe. Well, I suppose you could if you wanted to do it in a swamp, and lying in 3-12 inches of water. This lake has NOT made it to dry land just yet.

Looking carefully at this picture, you note why it is so difficult to access this lake. It is totally surrounded by burn areas, not all of the same age. Much of the 'burned area' is now horizontal, and which makes hiking a slog of gigantic purportions.

And looking at this, you wonder, 'a social comment', an elk's way of marking his territory, and comedian leaving a statement for fellow hikers? Another one for you to answer.