Farley Lake! 9-5-18
Another grand (sorta) hike in Idaho's Sawtooths!

This is a hike 'that never was' in reality. The destination was the 10 Lakes Basin. Did we get there? Hardly. So, why not. At about the 6 mile
point, the turn-off for Edith Lake which was necessary to pass on the way to the 10 Lakes Basin, my boy, Coffee Bean, began limping. He
even gave indications that his right front knee hurt while lying down. So do we just continue and hope for the best given that there is significant
altitude ahead, and many miles? Or bail. You guessed it, we backtracked to a campsite that I am familiar with at Farley Lake, about 1 mile
back, and spent the night. One interesting side note to this aborted venture, is that here I had my predator encounter for 2018. Sometime after
drifting off to dreamland, it sounded like Coffee Bean was tap dancing outside my tent. What it was in reality was that Coffee Bean had noted
the presence of a hungry, 1) large coyote, or 2) small wolf, and he wasn't in the mood to share his body parts. It took exiting the sleeping bag &
tent, and presenting a illuminated threat that finally caused this unwelcome visitor to depart.

Farley Lake, the afternoon before

The next morning

I love the shadows that these large rocks make through this ultra-clear water

The waterfall(s) on the stream that drains Toxaway, Edith & Farley Lakes