CDT Section Attempt
As should be obvious, I didn't get very far with this one. Winter conditions were prevailing, and that means that at 7500' or so, nighttime temperatures were dipping into the low 20s.
I became intimately aware of that about 3:30 am, when I awoke to the shivers. Since I loathe being cold at night, I decided to bail on this plan until I had better sleeping togs. Next day? Back to the trailhead.

Hiking in November

Looking to the west, more or less. Next photo the same

Looking north

Looking northeast

The trail at its 'not-so-bad'

The trail at its 'much worse'

The previous night's bedroom

What doesn't show here, is that there was water just under the surface; tent bottom and ground cloth: muddy

Maxie insists on horning in on my pictures :-)

Well, if you don't like me in your bloody pictures I'll just leave!

The south sister of the Twin Sisters Mtns. This one was at 8616

Apparently his 'leaving' didn't involve going too far.